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  1. Do not smoke. It decreases the blood supply to your extremities.
  2. Avoid walking barefoot, even inside your home.
  3. Thoroughly examine your feet daily for scratches, cuts, ulcers, etc. Use a mirror or have someone else look if necessary.
  4. Examine your shoes before putting them on for rough spots or foreign objects that may irritate your feet.
  5. Call your doctor even if you experience a minor injury to your feet.
  6. It is recommended that you do not wear flip flops or sandals or limit the amount of time they are worn.
  7. Do not file, shave, or attempt to remove calluses or corns yourself. There is a risk of injury if you do this.
  8. Do not use any chemicals or strong solutions on your feet unless prescribed by your physician.
  9. Trim your toenails straight across or if you are unable seek professional assistance.
  10. Buy shoes late in the day. They should be comfortable and not feel like they need to be “broken in.” Ask your physician if a diabetic shoe that is custom ordered from your foot impression is right for you.
  11. Use caution when you are near heat sources such as heating pads or electric blankets. You can burn your feet without knowing it. When bathing, water temperature should be less than 92 degrees. It may be helpful to purchase a bath thermometer.
  12. Moisturize your feet if your skin is dry. Recommended products include Eucerin, Curel, Lubriderm, Olive Oil, Vitamin E. Oil, and Lanolin. Avoid those with heavy fragrances or harsh chemicals.
  13. Do not wear socks with tight elastic on top. It is important that you wear appropriate socks with your shoes and not go without them.
  14. During inclement weather, avoid getting your feet wet in the rain and snow. Wear wool socks and protective footwear.
  15. If you have burning or numbness in your feet, tell your medical provider as this may be a sign of peripheral neuropathy.
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